mercredi 4 mars 2009

Parallel World in Iceland

Iceland is a country who still has a strong link with the past, at least the olders and those who live closed to the nature. Thus, they keep on propagating the old faith. keep on propagating the old faiths.the society has made few advances on believes or industry...
There is always a link between the inhabitants and the nature. Of course, it isn't all the population who kept this link mainly there are the olders or those who continue to propagate the old faiths.
In Iceland the population can see the elfs, the gnomes, the fairies and also ghosts even if the people are little numerous because the society evolues and theses people are considered as madman. In this country they considered that there are parallel worlds with these creatures.
The most formidable,......... Iceland is the only country in the world who has had a minister of the elfiques affairs.
When the population want built roads or make others works. Mediums come on the ground to prevent cretures otherwise the gnomes act to surround the situation to survive because they live here. Lots facts were postponed to prove their existences.

I am sure that it is possible but I am very sad to see that people destroy and throw back all wich is not explicable or without answer of the science. In France if somebody says that he sees creatures he can be considered as mad, and be rejected of the society which is very open minded compared to Iceland where people want to preserve theirs believes.
The magic desepeares, even if we are in parallel worlds we act on the others.

magazine stargate

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