dimanche 18 janvier 2009


I went back to Tahiti four weeks ago and I remembered a story, among others. Characters are my family and it begins around the beginning of the 19th century. My great-grandmother lived, with all her family in Rurutu, an island in the south of French Polynesia. One day, she left and came to Tahiti where she met my great-grandfather. They decided to get married in Rurutu and it is what they did. Well, nothing very interesting for you, even for me. But, something happened there, and despite all my questions about it, I've never managed to know what. So something happenned and after that, my great-grandmother decided to leave definitively Rurutu to never come back. More, she said that her children and then the grandchildren of her children etc etc would never, well at least should never go there. Apparently, some of us had been cursed that day. Thus, my grandmother and her brothers and sisters were concerned and so are we now, sisters, cousins and I. My mother can go to Rurutu but she recommended that we should not do it, because of the curse. It would be kind of risky, I don't know why, it's impossible to have informations about it. For me, not to go there was not a problem and I forgot this story and I would probably not have had to think about it anymore if one of my cousin hadn't decided to visit Rurutu and hadn't had some health troubles, pretty serious, when she returned. I don't know if both are linked and I would probably never know but aunts and uncles seem to think that she got sick because of the curse.

Personnaly, I don't believe in such a thing, but learning about family's whole history and more, about tahitians' history, I know that word given, curses or blessings were always considered with serious. Still now. And I think that, even if Rurutu is a beautiful island, even if all this may seem outdated, I won't go to Rurutu, respecting great-grandmother's will and family's believes.

Well, this was just a personnal story, which for me, illustrates how a curse, above all, the belief in this curse, can inluence our life. Indeed, my grandmother had never known her family and it seems that we are cut from this part of our origins, at least for the moment.

Source: Relatives

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