mardi 11 novembre 2008

The belief

We are talking about believes and their influence on this blog. But why can we say that believes have influences on us?

Usually, the belief is defined like this: “considering that something is true, are there proof or not of it existence” and is of course an universal phenomenon: everybody trusts in something. But if the belief is so important and has so much clout in our life, it is because action begins with it. Indeed, we have to believe that something is possible, something can be realized to act. And, linked with the result of the action, success or not, the belief will be validated or invalidated, or readjusted by the experience. Well, our actions can’t be dissociated from our believes but also from our personality as it reflects our “interior world”. Actually, all of us have got our own representation of the world which is a construction of many believes and which, like writt²ing upper, determine our behaviour, our choices in the real world, well in a nutshell, our way of apprehending life. We are all wearing glasses.

Can we get rid of these glasses? Certainly not. It is impossible as it will mean being a man who does anything! What about the free act? Some people say that it is possible to do something, to act without any motivation. A good illustration will be the one of Lafcadio, the hero of “Les caves du Vatican” by André Gide. This is the story: Lafcadio is in a train to Rome and he shares his compartment with an old unknown man. At night, he suddenly thinks about killing him and begins to count. If he sees a fire in the night before the end of his counting, he will do it. A fire appears, he kills the old man by throwing him out of the train. We may think that he hasn’t got any motivations to do this but is it really the case? Actually not as Lafcadio is a partisan of the “free act”, in others words, he believes in its existence so that the murder becomes a means to prove it. The belief is omnipresent in our life; we can change our believes but never be liberated from it.

So we all are and stay binoculars and this is the reason why discovering believes from all over the world is exciting. Indeed, it is an opportunity to see life through others glasses in order to understand others but also we better!

1 commentaire:

The webmasters a dit…

Yes that article is a good summary about the view that we can give of our blog. So now I'll think to not forget my glasses for writting my article.